Tuesday, August 10, 2010

3 Things

I learned three things today:

1.  A morning frost means it's going to be a nice day.    There was frost on my windshield this morning. Two people told me the above and I thought they were full of baloney.  However, they were right!  It was the first day without precipiation since I've been here.   Still a bit chilly though!  

2.  It's okay to show up to your doctors appointments in socks, no shoes.   Yesterday I saw a man walk into the grocery store barefoot.  Sure, that's ok.   Today a guy walked into the clinic in socks.   Just socks.  No shoes.  For real?  I mean, if you're going to take the effort to put socks on, how about some shoes?   Maybe he would've chose differently if it *was* raining today... :)

3.  The Hawera Hospital has a kitten inside.   Yup.    Shh, don't tell JCAHO!

One more day of shadowing the local doc, then I'm on my own!  I'm sure I'll have some interesting stories and lessons learned then!

1 comment:

  1. 1) I hope New Zealand is successful recruiting veterinarians to their country with all the lose cats running around!
    2) I am going to change career paths to a shoemaker as there is an obvious need.
    - Did sock-guy maybe wear the hospital style socks that have little rubber tracks on the bottom so he wouldn't slip on the street?
