Friday, October 15, 2010

Sure Plays a Mean NetBall (but even better Pokies!)

Have you heard of Netball?  I hadn't, until I got here.   It was only the first week of work when people starting asking me if I play. Kind of like the "Volleyball or basketball?" question I often get in the states, just because I'm tall. 

Netball is a game similar to basketball, but not really.  7 players per team, 15 minute quarters, a round ball, a basket.   But it orginated in England as a more lady-like sport than basketball--- no contact, no dribbling, no backboard.  So really, quite far from bball!  My clinic organized a team for the town's social league, and the season started last week.   Here's a few pics of our first game.

Left to Right:  Rachel, me, Hemi (zoom in and check out his Moko (full facial tattoo)).  I'm "goal shoot" in this pic, a position inside the circle which is one of the only two positions on the court in which you're allowed to shoot.  
The basket is higher than basketball, and no backboard, which makes shots quite tricky.

Mister Kopko and Jerry would be so proud of my hands here :)

She shoots!
Like I said, I only scored once in each game.  The first game we lost 2-20.  But the 2nd game we only lost 7-16.  Improvement is key!!! We'll be AMAZING by season's end, for sure!

In worldwide netball news, just yesterday, the Silver Ferns (The NZ netball national team) just won the GOLD MEDAL in the Commonwealth Games (think Olympics, but only for those nations once under British rule) against Australia.  In overtime to boot!  An awesome game.  A great day in NZ sporting history, as the Kiwis and Aussies are quite sporting rivals!

In other sporting news, Steve (the locums doc from Cali) and I played some SERIOUS pokies tonight.  Pokies is just the down-under term for video poker.  Most bars have them here (in a separate back room).  We were about to leave the bar for dinner after happy hour, but I persuaded Steve to try some pokies with me.  I twisted his arm, put a 2 dollar coin in a machine for each of us, and what do you know, the Kiwi Luck was in our favor tonight!

Steve casually watching as he HITS the jackpot!  20 dollars- whoopee!

Not as successful as High Roller Steve, I still came home with 13 dollars in my pocket!   Not too shabby for each of us starting with just a two dollar coin!

Cheers from your favorite netballin' pokie player!

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